Tuesday 30 December 2014

Wat Yang Ngam (Luang Por Pin)

Wat Yang Ngam located in Rayong . Away from Bangkok 2 hours travel in car. The temple abbot is Luang Por Pin famous in his owl amulets.
Luang Por Pin is also my most respect monk I have ever seen. I had a serious car accident in Singapore but I did not injured but my wife had a cut on her hand. On that incident , I was wearing Luang Por Pin 1st Batch Pra Khun Pean which I believed that it save my life.

Luang Por Pin writing name on the 4'' Kumanthep

Main Altar
Me & Luang Por Pin
Luang Por writing Yants on our wallets

Luang Por Blessing 
Luang Por Blessing 
Luang Por Blessing 
My Brothers and Sisters

1st Batch Kumanthep 
1st Batch Kumanthep
Luang Por Pin Holding 4" Kumanthep

Luang Por Pin writing name on Kumanthep
The accident has been published in Thailand Newspaper
Luang Por Pin Chanting Tukair
Luang Por Pin 1st Batch Kumanthep publish in magazine
2nd Batch Pra Khun Pean Powder using flower

Wat Klong Wai Pong - Luang Por Pin

Wat Yang Ngam - Luang Por Pin

Malaysia Magazine also publish on Luang Pin Pin famous on his Owl Amulets
Luang Por Pin Chanting Owl Locket Batch 2559

This Video show Lp Pin 1st Batch Kumanthep moving during Chanting play.

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